Low Level Laser Therapy (Laser Acupuncture)
What is Laser Acupuncture?
Laser acupuncture is one of the newest holistic treatments which combines state of the art technology with ancient healing methods. Essentially, a laser is used to stimulate acupuncture points using the same rules of point selection as needle acupuncture. Laser acupuncture may be used on its own or in combination with needles over a course of treatment.
How does it work?
Low Level Laser (Light) Therapy uses red and infrared light for the relief of pain, to accelerate healing and reduce inflammation. When the light source is placed against the skin, the photons penetrate several centimetres and get absorbed by the mitochondria, the energy producing part of a cell. This promotes tissue repair and accelerates wound and tissue healing. This Low Level Laser Therapy is non-invasive, non toxic and often provides a treatment alternative for patients that have not responded to other therapies or may be uncomfortable with needles. Laser Acupuncture has been successfully used to treat a broad range of medical conditions, including musculoskeletal problems, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, sports injuries, post-surgical wounds, diabetic ulcers, headaches and dermatological conditions.
Why are Low Level Laser treatments so effective?
LLLT gives a jump-start to the body’s natural healing process. Unlike many pharmacological treatments that mask pain or only address the symptoms of disease, Low Level Laser Therapy treats the underlying condition to promote and speed up healing time. Treatments are often highly effective and the benefits are long lasting. Treatments can last between 15 minutes to an 1 hour depending on the condition and area being treated and can be added to any acupuncture session. The number of treatments can vary depending on the individual problem as every patient and condition responds to Laser Therapy differently.
The Advantages of Low Level Laser Therapy
Highly effective
Virtually no side-effects
Easily applied
Cost effective
More affordable than surgery or other therapies
Short Term Effects
Reduction in pain
Production and release of beta-endorphins
Improvement in localized blood flow
Small localized increase in temperature
Long Term Or Cumulative Effects
Increase in cellular energy
ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production is increased resulting in improved cellular metabolism (more energy)
Faster healing of damaged tissue
Increased protein and DNA production results in higher cell replication rates
Stimulation of macrophages, fibroblasts and other cells results in a quicker healing time
Regulates cell membrane potential, essential in Na, Cl and K ion transfer (electrolyte balance)
Better nerve conduction
Neurotransmission is facilitated due to elevated levels of serotonin and aceytylecholine
Reduction in scar tissue
Increase in collagen synthesis results in healing with normal muscle-tendon matrix
More blood flow to the damaged area
Angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels) brings more blood to the damaged area
Other Effects
Improved resistance to infection
The immune response is stimulated
Reduction in swellingLymphatic drainage is improved
The body’s natural healing processes are enhanced